Product Tipo di combustibile

Product Classe di efficienza energetica

Product Certificazione Ambientale DM186

Product Potenza termica nominale (kW)

Product Rendimento al max (%)

Product Rendimento al min (%)

Product Consumo orario minimo (kg/h)

Product Consumo orario max (kg/h)

Product Diametro scarico fumi (cm)

Product Altezza (mm)

Product Larghezza (mm)

Product Profondità (mm)

Showing all 22 results

P188 TH

The P188 TH stove in addition to heating the water, for radiator or floor systems, tha…


E228 C

A stove of the Infinity range, with hybrid pellet- and wood-fired operation. A+ energy c…



Direct wood-fired oven. Made with refractory lining with double upper cavity, for grea…


E929 C

The classicism of the forms finds its maximum expression in the fine craftsmanship of…


E228 D

A stove of the Infinity range, with hybrid pellet- and wood-fired operation. A+ energy c…
