Nestor Martin

Product Tipo di combustibile

Product Classe di efficienza energetica

Product Certificazione Ambientale DM186

Product Potenza termica nominale (kW)

Product Rendimento al max (%)

Product Rendimento al min (%)

Product Consumo orario minimo (kg/h)

Product Consumo orario max (kg/h)

Product Diametro scarico fumi (cm)

Product Altezza (mm)

Product Larghezza (mm)

Product Profondità (mm)

Showing all 5 results

S 35

Discover the “S35” gas stove, made of high quality thermal cast iron. The timeless d…


TQH 15

The contemporary gas stove “TQH15” develops a high power and integrates into an…


MQ 33

The MQ33 model, with a nominal power of 6.2 kW, is made entirely of thermal ca…


THS 15

“THS15” contemporary double-sided gas stove, 360 ° rotating and only 20 cm deep…


S 43

The S43 model, with 8 kW of nominal power, is made entirely of thermal cast iron, an…
