Welcome to the ``Progetto Fuoco WEB-GALLERY``

The WEB GALLERY is the virtual showcase of biomass heating products and it is going to consolidate an even stronger position among professionals and the final public as a reference platform to understand this market.
A tool that integrates Piemmeti’s activity for promote and provide visibility to the sector. The most complete range of wood and pellet stoves, fireplaces and boilers.

This showcase is offered weekly to 18,000 Italian and 12,000 foreign contacts (importers, retailers, installers, designers).


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– with the side menus of this page –
based on technical and product characteristics.

Showing 1–12 of 77 results


With 50 years experience in this sector, this product is the result of attention and ca…


MIA 90

MIA 90 is a kitchen of the Cooking range of Ravelli. The Cooking System of Ravelli…
