A dedicated web platform to biomass heating products

We live in a changing world that is becoming more and more digital.

For this reason, in order to support evolution and intercept new needs, Progetto Fuoco has created a new online exhibition format. This is “Progetto Fuoco WEB-GALLERY”, the platform designed to promote and give visibility to biomass heating products: a mix of pages and browsing elements to focus attention on industry news supplemented by newsletters, posts on social media and on all Progetto Fuoco web platforms.

Veronafiere supports the new platform with a web campaign aimed at the entire biomass community and Facebook and Instagram followers, expecting to intercept new users to reach over 1 million visits.

Filtered browsing to not miss any news

Users can browse the “Progetto Fuoco WEB-GALLERY” platform, filtering products and contents by brand and category. 

“Progetto Fuoco WEB-GALLERY” is a platform designed to give maximum visibility to your company and your latest products. You will have at your disposal a section dedicated to your brand and your content.

The WEB-GALLERY featured on

The research possibilities


Product type

  • Stoves
  • Fireplaces
  • Kitchens – Ovens – BBQ
  • Boilers – Plants
  • Biomass combustion materials
  • Flue fittings – Components

Type of fuel (wood, pellets, other)


Energy Class


Other technical variables


Data by quarter:

14|Website sessions
9|Users who visit the site
3|Page view

General info:

G|Percent of users by state

Italy: 65%, France: 12%, Germany: 8%

USA: 3%, Austria: 3%, Spain 3%, …

0|Average duration in page
T|User type

B2B: Professionals in the heating and furniture sector.
B2C: Private consumers


To optimize the online visibility of the products in the «Progetto Fuoco WEB-GALLERY» we regularly integrate the platform’s activity with an E-mail Marketing action by sending periodic newsletters


  • 24 annual newsletters in Italian

    1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 9.00 a.m.

  • 24 annual newsletters in English

    2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at 9.00 a.m.


All our database are constantly updated with an asset engaged in this activity full time, with a constant and progressive enrichment of the database with a dedicated action aimed at finding new contacts.

Our newsletters are aimed at:

  • manufacturers of stoves, fireplaces, kitchens and large biomass plants, components and flues, producers of pellets, firewood, wood chips (about 4,500 addresses in Italy and 3,700 abroad).
  • forest companies and companies for the primary wood processing, potential exhibitors, of which we have 1,500 addresses, mostly Italian.
  • agents, wholesalers, resellers of stoves and fireplaces, kitchens and large plants, service centers and installers, chimney sweepers (about 11,000 addresses in Italy and 9,500 abroad)
  • architects, engineers, designers, technical offices, professional associations (about 12,000 addresses in Italy and 5,000 abroad) 
  • agricultural sector users (holiday farms, farms, greenhouses) (about 20,000 addresses in Italy)
  • industrial and commercial sector users 
  • Visitors of the previous editions of Progetto Fuoco and Italia Legno Energia,  about 36,000 addresses in Italy and 12,000 abroad)

All our database are constantly updated with an asset engaged in this activity full time, with a constant and progressive enrichment of the database with a dedicated action aimed at finding new contacts.

Do you want to showcase your products?

GOLD package

  • null

    • Presence on the “Progetto Fuoco WEB-GALLERY” platform in the Progetto Fuoco website with your own products (up to 15).
    • 8 appearance per year on Italian newsletters
    • 8 appearance per year on foreign newsletters
    • 8 posts per year on Instagram
    • 8 posts per year on Facebook


Fill in the Biennial Subscription to the Web Gallery

    Pacchetto Gold
    • Maximum 10 products in the WEB GALLERY section

    • Inclusion of the product in at least 8 newsletters for the Italian market

    • Inclusion of the product in at least 8 newsletters for the foreign market

    • Inclusion of the product in at least 8 posts on the Progetto Fuoco Facebook page

    • Inclusion of the product in at least 8 posts on the Progetto Fuoco Instagram page

    * These fields are required..

    * Pursuant to Article 13 of the GDPR I express my consent to the processing of my personal data in order to process your request for information I accept

    I consent to the processing of my personal data for the sending of communications, information, newsletters, studies and research and advertising material, concerning the trade shows organized by Piemmeti SpA, for carrying out market research using both automated (e-mail, fax) and traditional (paper mail, calls by operator) I accept

    I consent to the processing of my personal data for sending communications, information, newsletters, studies and research and advertising material concerning third-party products and services using both automated (electronic mail, fax) and traditional (paper mail, calls via operator) I accept

    Privacy Policy

    TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS to be sent to brumat@veronafiere.it:

    – company logo size: 455x190px 72dpi (logo with white/transparent background)
    – main product image horizontal (free size)
    – additional image size: 455x470px 72dpi (vertical image)
    – short products description in bilingual (Italian-English)
    – technical data sheet of the products

    Bank transfer to:
    Veronafiere S.p.A. – Banco BPM S.p.A.
    IBAN: IT85M0503412100000000006338
    Swift: BAPPIT21011