Fashionable design or efficient performance? This is often the dilemma that accompanies our daily lives: the choice between the useful and the pleasant. The world of biomass stoves brings these two worlds together. The evolution of production has turned them into design objects.
So when choosing your new stove, don’t just focus on functionality, understand the space in which you want to use it and find the one that perfectly matches the concept of your home.
Three points for a winning choice
Here are the points on which it is essential to focus attention when you want to buy a designer stove, three points to make a serene investment that will not disappoint you:
The shape, which especially in recent years must be essential to respond to international and contemporary styles and taste
the use of high quality materials with low environmental impact (glass, stone, ceramics, metals with significant thickness)
the design of the ventilation grille, which represents a real challenge from a technical point of view for stoves with a modern design, as there is an increasing tendency to eliminate them for aesthetic reasons despite the fact that they are necessary for optimal heat diffusion, and rethinking them means looking for an alternative way to achieve the same result in terms of performance. Innovation and aesthetics go hand in hand.

Stoves and domestic spaces: how to choose? Between furnishing and utility
Elegant and sophisticated home? You can decorate your living room with a ceramic stove, with softer shapes, that enhances the environment giving that extra something.
Do you love the rustic style? You could combine your old-fashioned furniture with an ultra-modern stove with steel cladding to contrast tradition with innovation.
A fundamental role is played by the lines, which can be soft or geometric, circular or linear, refined or essential and allow the creation of unique pieces, capable of completing and enhancing environments. Modern stoves are paintings that warm the home, and choosing them is certainly a good deal. There are various types:
- Rounded stoves fit into any style of interior design and are ideal for placing in corners.
- Slim and compact stoves are usually less bulky than a traditional heater so they are perfect for flush mounting. You can place a slim stove wherever you like: in a confined space or in a passageway, such as a hallway, heating your home in a very discreet way.
- The smaller stoves, being of limited size, both in width and height, can also be installed in a fireplace compartment, recovering a space that is a symbol of familiar and traditional warmth and giving new life to the beauty of fireplaces through the vitality of their flame.
On the Product Gallery of Progetto Fuoco’s website you can find the design stove most suitable for your home, as the well-stocked product gallery, made up of works by leading companies in the sector, is supplied and designed specifically to meet all your needs and requests.