PF Magazine France came out

On the occasion of the start of the thermal season, a special issue of PF Magazine dedicated to the French and Belgian market (60 pages in French language) was recently prepared by Piemmeti and sent to all importers, distributors, resellers, agents, heating engineers and installers from beyond the Alps. PF Magazine France has represented for…

Piemmeti joins Bioenergy Europe

Since the beginning of this month Piemmeti, with Progetto Fuoco event, has become a member of Bioenergy Europe. Bioenergy Europe (previously known as AEBIOM) represents the political-institutional voice of European bioenergy. It aims to develop a sustainable bioenergy market based on fair trading conditions. Founded in 1990, Bioenergy Europe is an international non-profit organization, based in…

Responding to the Coronavirus emergency, together

Progetto Fuoco survey: the wood burning sector respond to the consequences of the coronavirus lockdown This is the spirit in which in mid-April – in the middle of the lockdown to fight the coronavirus epidemic – Progetto Fuoco decided to launch an online questionnaire for its partners and exhibitors. We asked them some questions in…